October 3, 2024

SYSTEM OF A DOWN drummer John Dolmayan has ended his endorsement deal with Tama drums. The 52-year-old musician explained his decision in a social media post on Wednesday (October 2). He wrote: "It's time to make a change , as of today I will be parting ways with @officialtamadrums.

"I became a part of the Tama family in 1999 when my dear friend @genep918 signed me up for an artists discount after all of systems gear was stolen during a tour with FEAR FACTORY. Since then I've been a Tama guy. I had incredible relationships with their artists reps including Gene, Rob, Aaron, and Sam. Great people and more importantly, friends. Most of them have moved on from Tama and now, sadly, so am I.

"I'm not sure where I'll go (if anywhere) but what's important to me is that I play amazing sounding drums and continue my journey of improvement and artistic growth.

"I want to thank Tama drums for an amazing ride, I wish them the best."

Last month, Dolmayan announced his new comic book series "Dead Samurai". A zombie thriller set in 16th century feudal Japan, it will be out on October 9 via Diamond Distribution.

Dolmayan has always had a passion for acquiring and collecting rare comics; a hobby that began long before he joined Grammy Award-winning and multiplatinum rock band SYSTEM OF A DOWN.

Dolmayan took a step back from the comic world when he joined SYSTEM OF A DOWN in 1997, though he never gave up collecting.

Those pop-ups eventually led to the launch of Torpedo Comics in 2003 — Dolmayan's first brick-and-mortar comic book shop in Las Vegas. It has since expanded into three more stores located throughout Southern California, all specializing in rare and hard-to-find titles.

In July, Dolmayan announced in an Instagram post that he had secured a patent for a "reusable, rechargeable and completely secure shipping container that can replace cardboard boxes." Dolmayan wrote that container could "eliminate massive amounts of waste" by being used for shipping as well as food delivery.

Dolmayan has been a staunch supporter of former U.S. president Donald Trump, even though his bandmate (and brother-in-law) Serj Tankian has repeatedly blasted Trump on social media and in various interviews.

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